Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Full Moons and Asperger's do NOT mix!

GAH! I hate full moons!! W had a crappy day, after having a couple of weeks with great behavior. He got upset with coloring a cover for his poetry book at school, got rude with his aide, threw away his colored pencils, then made her dig them out of the trash. He got a 1 hour detention for that. Then, at lunch, he was all grumbly, making faces at me, and sat in the corner of the cafeteria away from everyone. I tried talking to him, but it seemed to make it worse. Then he got up and left the cafeteria to go to the seclusion desk in the hall w/o permission. I had the other monitor go talk to him since he was angry and wouldn't listen to me. He listened to her for a bit, then ran past her, up the stairs, and out the door into the courtyard! Another aide went up the stairs and got him, and he has another 1 hour detention for that stunt. He seriously has to learn to control his anger and impulse behavior.