Sunday, March 2, 2014

Parent Teacher Conferences suck

I met with my son's 4th grade teacher Thursday, and I've been fuming ever since. I spent 1/2 hour hearing nothing but negatives about him. His behavior is up and down and not improving over all. He hates to write and often has meltdowns when required to. He fidgets in his chair, especially when others are giving speeches/demonstrations.

Um, Hello... he has Asperger's. Every problem he has is a symptom of this. I had asked last year that he be tested for dysgraphia, but that never came to fruition. He knows the information if you ask him, he just can't write it. I had also asked that he be able to type his written assignments or have someone as a scribe. Both of those ideas were shot down. It's like they are setting him up to fail! I have no idea what to do. His IEP isn't as specific as it should be; and I'm just now catching it. He had a great year last year, so it was incorrectly assumed that he would do well this year as well.

He is at a new school, has new teachers, new aides, new staff, new principal: none of them KNOW him. None of them care to find out what bothers him. We are starting ALL over and it's been rough. Aspies are not known for transitions to begin with, and he's getting no support. When he has problems writing, his teacher tells him to 'suck it up'. So much for getting help with his disability.

I just printed out 20+ pages from the OASIS Guide to Asperger's for his Gen. Ed. teacher and Spec. Ed. teacher because apparently neither has experience with Asperger's. I just need to write a tactful letter to go with the handouts to give to them. Telling them that 'here's something to help you do your job for my son' just might not cut it.

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